Oh, and i feel the intense lazy-slash-procrastinator attitude creeping back. -__- Why. No really, why me.
Anywhoos, i sacrificed some of today's studying hours (which wasn't hard to do btw, HEHE) to make a birthday card. I think it's been like what, 2 years since I last made a proper one? Yeah, couldn't be bothered cause it's so time-consuming, y'know, with all the papers, and cutting, and sticking, and writing, and not to mention, the DESIGN. Most important part, d'oh. Especially since i'm a perfectionist and if one thing's out then all of it must be redone. Mhm.
inside, left. extra writing space.
credits to amateurcardmaker. i so love your ideas.
Tadaa, my puhretty card. For a special someone tomorrow ;) It's not much but i'm hoping it'll be appreciated! My creativity level has dropped a bit... i think. I've definitely lost the drawing mojo though D:

Sora from KH1 and 2.

Red XIII from FFVII.

Sora from KH1 and 2.

Red XIII from FFVII.
My two last drawings before i 'quitted'. And no, i did not trace ~_~ Tracing is for noobs, no offence. I just came. And saw. And conquered. *bigsmile*
Alright, i'm getting a bit dizzy 'ere. Cheers. :)
Alright, i'm getting a bit dizzy 'ere. Cheers. :)
The Rembrandts's I'll Be There
Justin Timberlake's Sexy Back
The Rembrandts's I'll Be There
Justin Timberlake's Sexy Back
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