Thursday, September 24, 2009

From Han, To Kyu

Greetings! I just wanted to wish a very happy 16th year to my dear friend, Snoopy and non-divorceable wife :) Kidding, I would never ever break up with her. In fact, if I were gay, you all know who I'd go for. *eyebrow wiggles*

That's right, Zoey Deschanel.

Hehehehehe. ANYWAY, I was planning on writing a long, very epic post, but alas, other things have caught up and I'm a little low on creativity right now. Dayum D: So I'll save that for next year alright? I give my word on that.

Ro, I hope you're having a blast now. Mucho love, buddy!

EDIT: OH SHIZ, I DID NOT KNOW I GOT THOUSAND OVER VOTES. But there are others with more :O

I MUST CRUSH THEMMMM!!! <------------- Click and vote, please please! I love you if you do, hate you if you don't HEHEHEHE NO LA (ACTUALLY, YES) but I very syok now ok, I've never been close to winning anything in my life, ever. I suck. No. You suck. Cause you never vote D:

Wait! No insults! You're awesome!


1 comment:

vonn said...

heheh..i voted already. we are sharing aren't we? *retsoty*