Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Day Six: A Stranger

Dear you,

Here I am, back at where I was back in May, thinking about you. I wrote a blogpost about you that you will never get to read but what the hey -- I write about what's significant to me and currently, you seem to be that significance. You have been for many a month now and it took me that span of time to finally comprehend why that is.

Everyone has a motivation for thought. It's the small push that gets you off the cliff and diving into the pool of your mind. That initiates creativity and imagination; that initiates whatever makes you get going for the day. And that motivation can take any form as it depends on the person. For example, one could look at a particluar kind of flower and realize that its color, design, the array of the petals and anything else, has struck him as entrancing and could be part of a bigger picture. So he turns that into a story or a painting or an architectural design -- ANYTHING. With that, the flower has taken a form as a motivation. And when that happens, it usually sticks with you for quite a while. It's not easy to get rid of inspiration when you collide with it. It's like after you eat the best chocolate chip cookie in the world... you won't forget it, trust me.

My point is, you're that motivation to me. I couldn't exactly put my finger on what you meant to me until Roanne brought it up during one of our midnight chats and then it hit me -- you're precisely that. Whenever you come across my mind, I think of more people, more scenarios, more ideas. You're like a breath of fresh air and I have to hand it all to how unique you are in such a small way, compared to others.

I must sound like an insane, little girl especially since you're so much older and I practically got so excited like high on crack when i finally saw you again the other day, crossing the street. WEARING DIFFERENT CLOTHES. YOU EVEN GOT A NEW POUCH. DEAR LORD. IS IT THE APOCALYPSE?

Seriously though, I know no one will understand this, but I just find you so fascinating and awesome. And you are. You are an awesome motivation because, you got me writing after what seemed like eons.

So I shall, conclude with a thank you. Thank you for being an inspiration.
And thank you.. for being an effect in my life. ;)

P/S: When I searched for "stranger" photos, I found a lot of old men. o_o

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