Tuesday, November 4, 2008

How to?

Bake simple puff pastry! Omg, the day you've all been waiting for! Applaaaud! (Humor me, I'm bored...) So easy and yet, it tastes almost heavenly. Firstly,

buy the puff pastry prz.

Yay, now that you've gotten that, take out one sheet. You don't want to over-bake and then over-feed and then get over-fats in your most-probably-but-I-hope-not 'overly-fat' body. ANYWAY, of course, you must always preheat your oven to about 175 degrees. Then cut your pastry into squares or triangles or circles or whatever, really. After that, place each one neatly onto a tray (with a greaseproof paper on top, remember), but not too near each other.

And then! the wait begins...

just wait....

and wait......

and wait....

but not too long alright? Just about 10 to 15 minutes? You can see when it turns brown-ish.

When it's done, just take it out, and voila! Eat! Chukha hamnidaaaa! Now you're slightly more bake-smart than you were like 5 minutes ago. Ain't your mam gonna be so proud of youuu. *huge cheesy please-slap-me grin face*

Okay, honestly, I don't have anything better to do. Was supposed to go out to watch Max Payne since it's rated and I wanna watch like, every rated movie before I go home cause right now, I'M LEGAL, BABY. But I had mixed feelings about it (got bad reviews mah) and it's too late anyways. So much for it being rated. pffsht.

4 more days :O

1 comment:

Rachel said...

You're making me hungry! lol